Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Deathly Hallows

Went to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows... Part I tonight with LEVS. We went for dins at Toscana and then saw HP at The Movies Restaurants B.V. cinema.

The cinema was an older theatre. Small and quaint.  

The movie was really really good. It was in English of course, with Dutch subtitles. Excited to see the next movie in July 2011! 

Random comment >> Today at work I was listening to 99.9 Virgin Radio online. They overplay so many songs. One of which they got me hooked on - Love Stereo Stereo Love (thank you Quan for the correction haha)

Another random note >> if anyone has seen my blue or green sock, please send it my way. I did laundry this weekend and ended up with one lonely blue sock, and one lonely green sock. So today, guess what colour my socks are?? That's right - one's blue, one's green

1 comment:

  1. you listen to it over and over but get the title wrong. i believe its called "stereo love" =p LOL
