Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Day in Utrecht

 Yesterday I took the day off work to go visit Utrecht with Jaewoo and Nicolo who works with Jaewoo. Utrecht is about a 30 minute train ride South-East of Amsterdam. I seem to have a lot of pictures of Jaewoo sleeping...

This is Utrecht Centraal Station

First place we visited was The Schröder House. It was built in 1924 by Dutch architect Gerrit Rieveld for Mrs. Truus Schröder and her three children. Some of the photo credit goes to Jaewoo who stole my camera for a good chunk of the day.

 We toured the inside, but we couldn't take pictures.

 Sidewalks were SO icey

Then we visited Centraal Museum and the Dick Bruna Huis, home of a collection of the famous Dutch bunny character.

We also visited Utrecht University. This is inside the library. The library is so cool - every floor has a completely different layout and they have all kinds of different study areas throughout the building. 

Peaking in on a lecture

Outside of the university

Inside the medical building  

Good day, but I seem to have caught a cold. NOT cool. 

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